BioZoo: Ecological Applications of Biomarkers in Zooplankton

Euromarine Network

Date: 31 October – 4 November 2022

Host: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research

Venue: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Anavissos, Greece.

Contact: Maria Protopapa


Total budget: €7,500

More details:

Registration deadline 31 July 2022.


The combination of different biomarkers in zooplankton ecology studies is still sparsely reported, adding value in zooplankton ecology. However, the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), though includes zooplankton monitoring, it is still lacking in important ecological information.

This workshop will introduce specific biomarkers to early career scientists (PhD and Post Doc students), as new indicators for the food web descriptor (D4) of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

Biomarkers are used directly to study the food web structure of the pelagic habitat (Isotopes, Fatty Acids) or they are used to define specific zooplankton vital rates (ETS, AARS, Oxidative Stress) which can then be used to study the food web structure of the pelagic habitat. Application of biomarkers on a pan-European scale requires that they are measured or estimated by well-defined protocols of Quality Assurance, which includes intercalibration of the biomarkers by the laboratories participating in the monitoring programme.


The Ecological applications of biomarkers in zooplankton (BioZoo) FSW will:

  1. Gain an understanding of how organisms react to Climate change (rising temperatures, ocean acidification) and other human-driven environmental perturbations, and what is the impact at the ecosystem level.
  2. Introduce tools from the MSFD to Early Career Researchers.
  3. Upgrading the tools used in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
  4. Transfer knowledge and methods and circulate the results of the project to the scientific community
  5. Contribute to assisting ERCs in networking for their future careers.


  • Publication in the Journal of Plankton Research/ Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science/ Marine Biology.
  • A conference presentation, a presentation of the workshop’s outcomes and results.


BioZoo will have an immediate impact by creating and promoting a network of connected early career researchers in this emerging and important field.


Funded by Euromarine, registration for the open parts of the workshop is free of charge, all registered participants (limit of 10) can participate, on a basis of first-come, first-served. Workshop venue and accommodation is organized at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Anavissos, Greece. It is located ca. 60 km from Athens. The estimated cost of attending the workshop is 250 EUR for a 6-night stay including, breakfast, lunch and board at the venue. The organizers can offer very limited travel support for workshop participants. Please indicate if you require travel support in your application. Your application should include:

  • A short motivation for why and how you would like to contribute to the workshop objectives with your skills and expertise (max. 1 page)
  • Your CV

Accepted applicants should bring along their own laptop. Please submit your application in PDF by emailing it to Dr. Maria Protopapa () by 31 of July 2022. Accepted registrants will be informed by 31 August 2022.


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